

Requests+ are removed in 0.15
Use Spawner API instead

Here you can find info that I decided to talk about later

Manually start requests

How to use

Apicase has option to create request but start it manually.

const req = doRequest({
  url: '/api/posts',
  options: { immediate: false }

/* Then start it */

Also, you can pass payload to .start() method to change payload:

const req = doRequest({
  url: '/api/posts',
  method: 'POST'
  options: { immediate: false }

/* Change url */
req.start({ url: '/api/another' })


Note that .start() method will fully replace payload, not merge
Also, it replaces payload only, not meta/hooks/options/etc

You still can add event listeners to request that hasn't started yet:

const req = doRequest({
  url: '/api/posts',
  options: { immediate: false }
}).on('done', console.log)

But you can't use async/await because request promise is not created yet.

/* No error thrown, but this one will never be resolved */
await doRequest({ 
  url: '/api/posts', 
  options: { immediate: false } 

/* Instead, await request after .start() */
await request.start()

Requests delay/debounce/timeout

Debounced request

Imagine that we have some search field with autocomplete from server. And we want to add delay for that request. Also we want to abort request on input change. We can create debounced request using options.debounce

const search = doRequest({
  url: '/search',
  method: 'POST',
  options: { immediate: false, debounce: 500 }

Then, you have to start request:

/* .start() resets timer and starts again */
search.start({ body: { text: 'Search text 1' } })
search.start({ body: { text: 'Search text 2' } })
search.start({ body: { text: 'Search text 3' } })
search.start({ body: { text: 'Search text 4' } })
search.start({ body: { text: 'Search text 5' } })

Delayed request

If you need to use delay only (without debounce), use options.delay instead

const delayed = doRequest({
  url: '/delayed',
  options: { immediate: false, delay: 500 }

Then you have to start request:

/* All requests will be started after 500ms */

Request timeout

When you need to define time limitations for requests, you can use options.timeout option

/* If request lasts more than 500ms, it will be .cancel()'ed */
const request = doRequest({
  url: '/foo/bar',
  options: { timeout: 500 }

If time is out, request.cancel() is called (cancel event is fired too)

Start event

request.on('start', state => { console.log(state) })

Condition of start emitting:

  • If immediate is true, it's not fired
  • If delay is defined, fires event after delay
  • If debounce is defined, fires event after delay